SEO Secrets for Pinterest Success

Learn how to drive traffic like a pro!

Are Your Pins Showing Up for Your Target Audience on Pinterest?

(and would you even know if they were?)

Are you creating beautiful pins that seem to go unnoticed on Pinterest? 

Are you frustrated with low click-through rates and a lack of saves on your pins?

Do you ever feel like your pins are getting lost in a sea of content and you're not even sure if Pinterest is showing them to anyone?

If this sounds like you, you're not alone. And the good news is, there's a solution.

Pinterest is not just a social media platform, it's a search engine. And like any search engine, it has a sophisticated algorithm that can read and rank your pins based on keywords.

In the past, you could see massive traffic to your site with just a little effort on Pinterest. But as the platform has evolved, it's become harder and harder to get organic reach. This means less and less of your followers are seeing your pins.

But there's still hope. Pinterest can still bring you a waterfall of traffic if you know my little secret... The secret is simple, yet easily missed.

The key that unlocks massive traffic from Pinterest is getting your pins ranking for popular keywords.

By mastering popular keywords and strategically placing them in your pins, you can start to rank for them and get your content in front of your ideal audience.

Don't let your pins get lost in the sea of content any longer.

Mastering Pinterest keywords is the secret to unlocking a flood of traffic and engagement on the platform.

pinterest isn't Social Media... It's a search engine!

There Are Over 455 Million Monthly Active Users On Pinterest!

  There Are Over 9 Billion Searches On Pinterest Every Single Month!

Over 47% Of Users Log In to Pinterest Specifically To Shop!

Want to Start Showing Up For ALL These Potential Customers?

When you learn the power of keywords and Pinterest SEO you can easily sky-rocket your pins to the top of the search because you know exactly who your targeting and so does Pinterest. 

When your pins start showing up under popular search terms you'll be able to sit back and watch massive traffic and income flow in month after month.

You'll learn how to easily research and find the most popular keywords in your niche so your pins can start showing up for the people who are looking for YOU! 

Introducing the Pinterest SEO crash course...

*This course and bonuses are valued at $197 but you can get it today for ONLY $9!

"This course made finding and using keywords simple" 

"I wasn't expecting much from a course costing under $30. But I learned so much about how to find and use Pinterest keywords that makes it really simple and easy to understand. I loved the pin description template. It makes optimizing my pins a breeze!"

Aryanna  //  Rose and Chambray

"It was like throwing gasoline on my pinterest account!"

"Once I started optimizing my pins with keywords, my impressions went up by about 30%, but what really struck me was how much better my click through rate was doing. After about a week and a half of using keywords, I started seeing my other pins and boards performing better too. It was kind of like throwing gasoline on my Pinterest account. I needed a boost to get to the next level, and this system was great for that.

Jennifer Q.  //  Blogger

What's Inside?

 Lesson 1 

Learn my trick for easily finding targeted keywords. Plus watch my top-secret keyword hack in this BONUS over-the-shoulder video.

 Lesson 2 

You'll be able to figure out if Pinterest really knows what your pins are about and who to show them to. If they don't, I'll show you how to easily fix it and teach Pinterest who you want to target.


Lesson 3 

We talk about the NEW Pin titles and how to use them. And you'll never wonder what to write for your pin descriptions again with my easy to follow pin description formula.

Plus Bonuses

 Bonus #1  (a $37 value)

Email List Building Playbook

Learn how to create an irresistible freebie that will grow your email list so fast you'll say - holy bananas batman, it's actually working! Plus, with 20 freebie ideas you'll definitely find tons of inspiration to create the perfect lead magnet that will attract your dream clients and customers.

 Bonus #2  (a $25 value)

16 Customizable Pin Templates

Create beautiful pin designs with these 16 customizable pin templates for Canva. There are even 3 lead magnet pin templates to help you promote your new freebie and start growing your email list.

It's Time You Started Getting Better Results From All That Time You're Putting Into Pinterest!

If you're NOT seeing the results you want (or you just want to make this the year you start tapping into free Pinterest traffic) then you need to learn the new rules of Pinterest and how to optimize for SEO. This course will help you increase your traffic and make more money this year, all from the magical powers of Pinterest. 

Total value of the Crash Course and added bonuses is over $195.

But it can all be yours today for ONLY $9!

*Once you have purchased the PINTEREST SEO CRASH COURSE.

Look for an email with your LOGIN details for the course.

Copyright 2024 Dish It Out Social
