In this post, you'll learn how to find popular keywords in Pinterest and where you should be using them. This is the easiest way to find keywords and get your pins ranking in the Pinterest search. Get more traffic to your website with these Pinterest marketing tips.

Are Tailwind Tribes Really Worth It?

This is a question that gets asked ALL THE TIME... should I even bother with Tailwind Tribes? In today's post, I'm going to help you figure out the answer to that question.

In the spring of 2018, Pinterest made some MAJOR changes to their algorithym. Pinterest did a few live interviews where they mentioned that group boards would be getting less reach in the smart feed. 

A lot of people freaked out and left all of their group boards. Even if they were still getting results with a group board, they left anyways, thinking... GROUP BOARDS ARE DEAD!

I DO NOT recommend you do this!

You need to analyze (to the best of your ability) if the group boards you're in are still working for you.  There are ways to find out this information, but that's a whole other blog post. 

One of the best things you can do is go into your group board and make sure all the pins have the same topic. If you blog about personal finance you don't want to see a bunch of decorating pins.

Still not sure if you should leave? You can now archive your group boards. So, if you're debating whether you should leave or not... why not just archive some of your group boards and see if this has any impact on your results from Pinterest.

are tribes replacing pinterest group boards?

Tribes are getting A LOT more engagement than they were in the past. Six months ago, I would've told you to give it a try but don't expect a lot of traffic from Tribes.

But, with all the changes that happened this past spring (BoardBooster closing up shop and Pinterest telling people that pins in group boards will be getting less reach), people flocked to Tribes as an alternative.

Now that more people are utilizing Tailwind Tribes you can actually get a lot more traffic from having a tribe strategy.

In addition to using Pinterest to promote my own blog, I also have a few clients that I was able to test this Tribes strategy with and the results blew me away!

The results...

Here you'll see three different results from Tribes using 3 different accounts. The first one you'll see is for this blog. 

I belong to 10 tribes but only half of them perform really well for me so I just save more of my pins to them.

I have 10 Tribes I'm a member of and I can save 80 pins to them every month. After seeing the results from last month, I'm thinking about upgrading to the paid version of Tribes so I can get even more shares and reach. (update: I decided to power up my Tribes, so now I can join an unlimited amount of Tribes and save 200 pins to them each month)

These screen shots came from inside my Google Analytics account. This is where you'll be able to see exactly how much trafic Tribes is sending to your site.

To find this information inside your GA account just go to Acquisition > Campaigns > All Campaigns > Tailwind_Tribes

Best Tribes for Bloggers

Maybe you looked at these results and thought... amazing! Now how do I find THE BEST tribes to join? 

I'm going to give you the exact Tribes that perform really well for me in the blogging niche. You can search for these by name in the FIND TRIBES tab inside your Tailwind account and request to join.

  • Bloggers Chalkboard (request to join)
  • Business Blogging Tips- Promote your Blog (request to join)
  • Social Media & Digital Marketing (request to join)
  • Blogging Friends Pins (request to join)

More resources...

Want to read more about Tailwind Tribes? Check out this in-depth guide to Tribes from Everyday Lindsay. Click here to check it out! 

And if you don't have a Tailwind account yet, what are you waiting for? I have a FREE 30-day trial for you below...

Want to get started with Tailwind and skyrocket your traffic with Tribes? Just click that box below to get your FREE 30-day trial.

3 comments on “How To Use Tailwind Tribes To Get More Traffic”

  1. Thank you for posting this Kyla!

    I just bought a powerup last month so that I would have 10 Tribes. It is such a learning experience! I was actually motivated by that same post from Everyday Lindsay!

    I think my stats are going up from Tribes šŸ™‚

  2. Thanks so much for sharing! I know this is an older post, but I came across it on Pinterest while researching about Tailwind Tribes. It’s very helpful!

  3. The article addressed potential challenges and offered creative solutions, which sets it apart from other similar guides. The author’s emphasis on building genuine relationships within the Tailwind Tribes community resonated with me. It highlighted the importance of engaging with others, fostering collaboration, and supporting fellow content creators, leading to a win-win situation for everyone involved.

    Thanks Kyla

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