A New Way to get social on pinterest
Pinterest quietly rolled out another new feature last week, Pinterest communities. A place to get social on Pinterest. Think of it like Facebook groups where you can post, leave pins and connect with other pinners in your niche.
Time will tell how this new feature will impact us as creators on Pinterest. Right now, I see it as a way to connect with other pinners and market yourself to a whole new set of potential customers and clients. #winning
here's what you need to know
The only way (right now) to get access to the communities feature is to be invited to a community.
Using your mobile phone, join my Pinterest for Bloggers community. (this link apparently doesn't work on desktop)
Once you join, you'll then be able to interact with the community. And after a little while you should see the communities tab pop-up at the bottom of your Pinterest app.
Now, you should also be able to see the communities tab in your account on desktop.
You will also be able to create your very own Pinterest community or check out the Community Feature page to find other ones to join.

Creating your own community
Not a lot of people know about communities right now, so this is the perfect time to create a community around your niche.
Give your community a search friendly name, this is not the time to be cute or clever.
There is a community search feature (which is proving to be a little glitchy right now) so you'll want to think of what someone type in if they were looking for your topic.
For example, if your topic is knitting. Then knitters looking for a knitting community would probably type in knitting, right!
Important: Once a community name is created no one else can use that name. So get over to Pinterest right now and lock in your name.
what impact will communities have on my pinterest marketing?
I see this as a great way to connect with your audience, grow an audience around your topic, and market your business to potential clients and customers on Pinterest.
If you're new to Pinterest, check out my Ultimate Guide to Getting Started on Pinterest.
Being an early adopter gives you a great opportunity to quickly grow a large community on Pinterest.
Only time will tell how communities will play out, but I think they'll prove to be very popular.
communities to join
What do you think? Are you excited about this new feature? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
xx Kyla
Just wanted you to know that I got the link to work with desktop (Mac if that matters)!
Thanks for letting me know, Sandi! I heard that from a few others yesterday. So it seems to be working now ?
I LOVE that I got the scoop from you first! I’m really hoping this new feature will help to maximize my Pinterest exposure.
I’m so excited about these communities! Just another great way to connect
Hi Kyla, thank you so much for your post. It’s very helpful. I’ve just created my first two communities ✨happy happy happy✨ (https://pin.it/qgx3mhdsv4mjbj) and smile (https://pin.it/oy5cyqznoiovxb). Yeah :)!