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  • The Pinterest Strategy That Tripled My Traffic
Kyla Dinielle
Are you looking for a Pinterest strategy that will get more traffic to your blog? In this post I show you a unique strategy that tripled my traffic to my blog. #blogtips #pinterestmarketing

The Pinterest strategy I'm about to reveal is from 2019. It can still work today but not like it used to.

Feel free to read through it and learn what's possible when it comes to increasing your organic Pinterest traffic.

If you'd like to see the Pinterest strategies that are working in 2025. Take a peek inside my exclusive Pinterest membership, The Secret Pinners Club.

Pinterest marketing can seem like a mystery to most of us. You throw some pins out there and hope for the best.

But let me ask you something... Do you have a strategy or are you just winging it?

If you feel frustrated with Pinterest and it seems like you just can't gain any traction, then you're in the right place.

I get it... because I used to struggle to get results from Pinterest too! 

It can be SO hard to figure out what the best practices are when there is so much conflicting information out there.

But, today I'm going to show you the strategy I used to triple traffic to my site in just 30 days. And I'm also going to show you real numbers. Like how many people saw my pin, saved it and how many people clicked over to my site.

Alright, are you ready to learn my Pinterest strategy? Let's do this...

In the beginning of 2018, the popular Pinterest scheduler Board Booster was forced to shut down and I really didn't want to go back to Tailwind again.

My traffic had been declining since Aug/Sept and I knew I needed to do something to fix it.

So, I did something pretty radical.

I decided to try manual pinning on Pinterest! I know, you might be thinking, "I don't have time for that!"

But, I actually figured out an easier way to pin manually. Because I'm lazy (or just a very busy single mom and biz owner) I didn't want to have to keep track of everything I pinned in some complicated spreadsheet.

So, one day on a whim, I pulled out my smartphone and decided to start pinning from inside the Pinterest app. And what I discovered was a SIMPLE way to keep track of everything right inside the app.

BUT, I was super amazed when the pin I pinned went MEGA viral in a matter of days. Sending thousands of people to that post.

I was blown away! I knew I needed other people to test this strategy and see if they got the same results.

I put together a beta group of about 150 people and the results... blew us all away!

You’ll see in the image below, that traffic to my site had been slowly declining since September 2017. But once I implemented this system I more than tripled my page views in just 30 days!

I also gained over 150 new subscribers to my list and made over $300 that week from purchases of my digital products! #happydance

Plus my stats on Pinterest shot through the roof.

Here is a screenshot so you can see exactly how much growth I’ve seen on Pinterest since implementing this manual pinning strategy.

 Over the last two weeks, my average monthly viewers have gone up by over 100k and I more than doubled my average monthly engaged users. #holyguacamole

My theories on why and how this works…

I started thinking about the people that didn't see results when they tried manual pinning. Why was it that manual pinning didn’t make a difference in their traffic? Why weren’t they getting these same results?

Remember that the pin I started with was a brand new pin.

Over the last couple of months, I’ve noticed a lot of pins in my feed that I’ve never seen before. And when I look at the dates they were published, most of them are from the last 30-60 days.

For a long time now, pinners have been complaining about always seeing the same pins in their feed. They were frustrated that they couldn’t find new content.

People weren’t going to keep using Pinterest if there was nothing new for them to discover.

Now, it seems that Pinterest has finally listened to its users and is now favoring new content in the smart feed. This is great for people that are newer to Pinterest marketing because they have all new pins to contribute. This is one of the reasons I think that my post went viral because it was a brand new pin.

So, if Pinterest is favoring new content then it makes sense that people who are using manual pinning to push out a lot of new content/pins on Pinterest are seeing a huge spike in traffic while people who have been using Pinterest for a year or more aren’t seeing those same results.

Now, this is just a theory but I wanted to test it out and see if I was on to something???

And the results other people were getting was nothing short of amazing! People were seeing insane growth after only 7 days of implementing my manual pinning system. #saywhat?

Just take a look at these amazing results I get spending only 10 minutes a day on Pinterest...

And the best part of this strategy is that it only takes me 5 minutes a day and can be done from my smartphone when I'm on the go.

Inside my membership, you get a proven Pinterest strategy that will take the guesswork out of when and how much to pin. Join now for only $9 a month!

About Me

I'm Kyla, a Pinterest strategist and a single mum to 3 ruff-n-tumble boys. Over the past 8 years, I've been sharing helpful Pinterest strategies and tips to help other creators harness the power of this profitable marketing tool. Grab some of my free resources and become an expert when you join my low-cost Pinterest membership, The Secret Pinners Club.

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  1. I’ve been pinning from my desktop. My views, clicks are super low. So, I’m interested to see how using your phone to pin instead. Thank you for sharing!

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